Programs succeed & grow when partnering with SRG!
When you partner with SRG you will get the following…
You can use any and all of our survey tools to gather data about your program and all your stakeholders.
Sharing best practices with colleagues is often where we learn most. When you work with us, you are part of a wider group of other program coordinators and directors who support each other in all aspects of running their programs. Members meet together to improve the tools and questions, share their struggles and triumphs, and develop new processes for data collection. They also partner to write their Program Assessments and support each other as they prepare for Program Reviews and Site Visits.
You may call on us at any time, 24 hours a day. Sometimes you need assistance with something that is troubling in your program. You might be on your way home or sitting in the evening and it is bothering you. We are available! We answer the phone at all times. We’ll work with you to explore ways of solving problems. And if we can’t help, we will put you in touch with another experienced director who can help.
Sometimes it helps to have an outside source assist with facilitation, present results or answer question. We are happy to come meet with your team or board.
Have you ever been “stuck” with your writing, unsure if you are writing what is needed, or just wondering if you have missed something? We have many years of experience in writing and reading Program Assessments, narratives and explanations. We can help you get started or just read what you have written and give feedback. We can also do some of the writing for you.
We have a lot of experience in preparing for and being part of Site Visits. We have been trained by the Board of Institutional Review, attend CTC meetings, and we know what is required. We can help you get organized, do some of the writing, and even do a “Mini Site Review” before you Site Visit.
The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing requires each LEA to “develop and implement a comprehensive continuous improvement process at both the unit and program level that identifies effectiveness and makes appropriate modifications based on findings” (Common Standard 4 - Continuous Improvement). We can help you do that with an evaluation system that does not overwhelm, yet collects standards-aligned data from all stakeholders whenever you wish throughout the year.
Compare your program results with thousands of participants from the SRG Program Evaluation Collaborative.
We can help manage and make sense of the data that guides you!
We know how important your job is. We know how much time it takes. And we know how easy it is to drown in a sea of paperwork that can keep you from doing your “real” work. Let us lighten your load by taking program evaluation off your plate. You manage your programs — we’ll design the questions, collect the data, do the analysis, and give you clear reports with your results. Just imagine what you can do with that extra time.