CTC Approved Credential Programs
We “live and breathe” the Common and Program Standards
Sinclair Research Group (SRG) is well prepared to support you with data collection and analysis for your Credential Programs. Our staff has worked with CTC-Accredited Programs since 1991. We were on the panels that wrote several iterations of the Standards. We attend Commission on Teacher Credentialing meetings and keep up to date on changes. This means that SRG can design data collection systems that gather exactly what is needed to make sure you have “All Standards Fully Met.”
SRG has many tools developed to help you gather data for every aspect of your Credential Program. All our tools are completely aligned to each of the Pre-conditions, Common and Program Standards. We will help you develop a Scope of Work that fits your program needs. You can then relax knowing your program evaluation needs are met. We can send invitations and reminders for surveys, collect, clean and analyze the data, write clear reports on each tool, and link all results to the required Standards. Your reports will list strengths and areas for growth. You will receive a Summative Report at the end of each year that wraps everything up. We can also track your results from year to year so you can see the “Trends over Time.”
As a member of the SRG Program Evaluation Collaborative, you will have the opportunity to work with program alike directors to develop and hone questions and tools that are profound, to the point, and easily answerable. This keeps data results reliable and costs low. (Click on the program above to see examples of Scopes of Work.)
We also have data collection instruments for candidates and their mentors on:
Provisional Internship Permits
Short Term Staff Permits
Peer Assistance and Review